At Harvest Canadian Reformed Christian School, tuition is based on a family rate, rather than a flat cost per student rate.
Harvest is a private school and attendance is generally restricted to members of the Canadian and United Reformed Churches and her sister churches. Members of non-affiliated churches may apply and will be subject to an interview and confirmation of their faith and good standing as Christians in agreement with the Three Forms of Unity (Belgic Confession, Canons of Dort, and Heidelberg Catechism), with the final decision being made by the Board.
2023-2024 Fee Structure
Category 1 (Youth/Student): $60/month
Category 2 (Young Adult/Single/Retired): $185/month
Category 3 (Regular members): $340/month
Category 4 (Parental members grade 1-4): $800/month
Category 5 (Parental members grade 5+): $940/month
The Canadian Reformed School Society of Owen Sound and District is a charitable organization and, as such, parents are provided with a donation receipt for a portion of the tuition paid during the calendar year.
Counting the Cost
Watch this video to learn more about the value vs. price of Christian education: